Program Boys Life Howard Korder Pdf

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Program Boys Life Howard Korder Pdf Rating: 9,4/10 6610 votes

Boys Life Howard Korder

Jason Biggs and Michelle Federer in a scene from “Boys’ Life” at Second Stage Theater. Credit Sara Krulwich/The New York Times It is here that Don entertains his old friends Phil (Mr. Biggs) and Jack (Mr.

Boys Life Howard Korder Monologue

Coiro), celebrating their journey from “campus cut-ups to wasted potentials,” as the razor-tongued Jack puts it. Although he is already married and has a son, Jack in fact is clearly the most eager to hold fast to the slacker ethic, his snarky dude-talk of sex setting the tone for the conversations (“So, Don, you vicious party beast, what’s up next in our parade of pleasure?”), his regular supply of joints helping to keep them all pickled in memories of good times past. Advertisement Phil is the most actively lovelorn. In a scene painfully misplayed as broad comedy, Phil blurts out anything that comes into his head to hold the attention of a woman he reconnects with at a party (Michelle Federer, also too cute-quirky), even frantically confessing the fear that he has contracted “it,” it being AIDS. Writing at a time when the spread of the disease cast a shadow over the search for sexual bliss that is the perennial prerogative of youth, Mr. Korder captured the magnified sense of anxiety that attached itself to casual encounters.